- Types of communication in ParentSquare
- Posts: Wider communication to families and/or staff. Can be anywhere from short updates to long newsletters. These are posted on the program's ParentSquare page as well as emailed to the email on file in Oasis (for parents/guardians) or school email (staff).
- Non-Emergency Alerts: Quick communication that is texted, emailed, or phoned (or any combination) to families and/or staff. Example: Reminder that school is closed the next day for staff development.
- Emergency Alerts: Quick, emergency communication that is texted, emailed AND phoned to families and/or staff. Example: School is closed due to an emergency event, guardians need to pick up their student.
- Messages: 1:1 messaging or small group messaging. Can be to no more than 50 people on a message. Anyone in ParentSquare can send messages.
- Levels of communication
- District Wide: Select employees can send posts and alerts to all of Springs, staff and/or parents.
- School Wide: Administrators at each site/program can send posts and alerts to parents and/or staff attached to their site.
- Classroom: Teachers can communicate to the parents of their students.
- Groups: Custom groups of people.
How do I register my account?
- Go to parentsquare.com/signin and enter your Springs email or email that is in Oasis under the box that says Register.
What happens if I don't register my account?
- You will still receive posts and alerts from ParentSquare. However, you will be unable to access the app, website, or set in user preferences like digest time (when you receive non-emergency posts), or language preference.
How do I get alerted?
- Email: Posts will be emailed automatically.
- Text: Non-emergency alerts have the option to be texted. Emergency alerts are texted automatically.
- Phone Call: Non-emergency alerts have the option to do text-voice or a recorded message. Emergency alerts will attempt to text but if it is not allowed, will do a text-voice call.
- App notifications: If you download the ParentSquare app, you may also receive alerts and view posts from the app.
What if I need to post to my site's ParentSquare page or send out alerts?
- If you do not currently have administrative access on ParentSquare and need it, have your supervisor submit an IT Help Ticket, select "ParentSquare" as the IT Issue, and let us know what access you will need.
Training for ParentSquare Admins
Admin Training 101
- Make changes to their Notification Settings and set Office Hours
- Understand the three ways to communicate with your school community using Posts, Messaging and Alerts
- Create Posts
- Link an Existing Calendar
- Use Direct Messages
- Create Alerts & Notices
Admin Training 102
- Use the Data Dashboard to reach 100% Total Contactability
- Create Groups for subsets of parents, staff, and students
- Manage users and assign Permissions
- Use Data Assistant to review staff and class information
- Configure features and change default settings on the Add-ons menu
- Who should take this training: Anyone who will be posting to a School, creating groups, creating forms, or assigning user permissions.
Training for Teachers
Teacher Training 101
- Log-In and navigate the ParentSquare application
- Make changes to their Notification Settings and set Office Hours
- Add events to the class Calendar
- Create Posts
- Use Direct Messaging
- Upload and share files
- Access support and training resources
- Who should take this training: Academy Teachers, HCT's, ES's, etc.
Training for Parents
- Parent 101 - English
Parent 101 - Spanish
- Receive all school, classroom and group communication via email, text or app notification
- See important calendar events and RSVP
- See photos, links and attachments
- Sign up to volunteer or bring items
- Send private messages to teachers or staff
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